Thursday, September 23, 2004

Clean Cup, Clean Cup! Move Down!

So my speaking test with Ochiai-sensee is scheduled for 3 minutes from now. What, you may ask, am I doing typing on my blog? Well, it may be sceduled but the truth of the matter is it is already done. 10 minutes past, give or take a minute. I was sitting outside her office waiting for my time, running through the dialogues one final time when a fellow in class pokes his head out the door and calls back, "Yes, there is." So I got to go in early and do my test. I was a bit nervous and still can't hardly believe it's over. We got to pick, of the 10, which we wanted to do first. I picked one of the slightly more difficult ones. No, not for brownie points, but hoping that by doing so she'd pick one slightly less difficult. I was in luck, that's the way it happened. She picked, which to me, was the easiest of them. I think I passed that one with flying colors. On my way out a friend from class who was scheduled came in and we chatted for a few seconds about yesterday's written exam. I heard as I was leaving, Senee saying, "You two are just perfectionists." I kind of got a chuckle at that.

While I do think I can be a perfectionist about somethings, I wouldn't call wanting to do well in school a perfectionist things so much as finally caring about what happens to me and my future. I want to do well in my classes, especially my language classes. I guess I don't see the point in studying a language if you don't want to learn it. Maybe you need 4 semesters of foreign language to graduate and that's all you care about -- fine, study Spanish. Study something that uses practically the same alphabet, don't study something with three different syllabaries filled with thousands of characters and a set of grammar rules that must date back to the counfounding of languages at the Tower of Babel. Anyhow, the test went well, I think. I hope to see my written test score tomorrow when we also start Kanji (Booyah!).

So what clean cup am I moving down to since that was the only thing I had to do on campus today? Well, every two weeks we are supposed to spend at least 60 minutes in the Foreign Language Lab. I figured today would be a very good day to do it. Sure, sure, I'd like to be reading The Dark Tower and all, but that can be put off for an hour or so. Alas, I still have a good 6 minutes before the lab even opens so why not blog? [Authors Note: I could have started reading, sure. But then I would have been sucked into the book and forgotten that I was hear on campus to actually get to the lab, etc.] After the lab -- who knows. Being a poor college student I don't get to go hang out at some dive, munchin on tacos and sipping Mountain Dew while reading a couple of hundred pages as much as I'd like to. I've really got to come up with some substitute for that. Guess I need my own personal Rabbit Hole to fall into.

Well the time draws near -- the Mad Hatter and the March Hare are getting anxious so I'll be on my way for now. Until the next time -- don't eat any wooden salad.



I was planning on coming home and writing a brief gripe about UPS and not deliving a package today. Their tracking site said it was out for delivery. I'd been home since 10:30am and NO package by 7:35pm when I left to go do some hometeaching. Fortunately, when I got home there was a box sitting there for me. YAY! Now I have a Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary and a Kanji Learner's Dictionary. Just in time too since we start Kanji tomorrow.

So though it was a long, long wait, and it was much later in the day than I expected, I guess UPS did their job and got me my package the day they said they would. No diatribe tonight. *snaps fingers* Darn it, I was so looking forward to complaining. *grin*



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