Friday, September 24, 2004

Oh Beamish Boy


Well the good news is I apparently wasn't standing there in "uffish thought" because I managed to pull out another 98% on my written Japanese test. I missed the 2 I thought I did and no others. Such is the way of things when you just don't remember the vocab. I knew how to say them, but I didn't remember what they meant. I did also get full marks on my speaking test. YAY! Mind you I think Ochiai-sensee is very leineient when it comes to students speaking, but I was pleased to see that anyway.

We started Kanji today and I have to admit I'm a tad confused. I think it'll make more sense once I get the book(s) open and start digging through it. Afterall she's trying to explain something that's second nature to her in a language that isn't even a second language but a third or 4th to her. (She told us today she studied German in college.) As I understand it, Kanji characters don't just represent a sound, more often a word/idea in and of itself (frequently more than one) so can be more than a single syllable. To top that off each has 2 ways of pronouncing it. The Chinese way and the Japanese way. So mixing that all up, it looks like it might be pretty confusing. I think it'll make a little more sense when we get into it.

She assigned 11 of them to know by Monday. I don't think they'll be that bad since they are the numbers 1-10 and 100 which means we should be able to write up to 999 in Kanji by Monday. I did the homework sheet she gave us already. Problem -- I think I need more practice. So I'll do some of my own, I'm sure.

So I'm thrilled with my Japanese grades so far, my Computer Class grades have been right up there, my Physics HW and Lab grades are on the spot (First test there Wednesday so we'll see how that goes). Most of my HW is already done for Monday. It's Friday. I have a card for a free pizza buffet lunch. I have 150 pages to go in The Dark Tower which I hope to get to today... all in all, sounds like things are going pretty well. I do believe I'm going to take off for a while and go eat that lunch and read that book... possibly be back later. Until then this is ゴジラ signing off!



Holy cow. I am in shock. I can't believe it is done. After all these years, the Dark Tower series is complete. I guess I didn't really believe it would happen becaues now that it's done I don't know what to think. I'd rather not spoil anything right here, but boy not quite what I expected.... Now that the series is done it is almost moot to read the other books that tie into the Dark Tower Universe. I had been doing it before for any further knowledge I could glean, but now, I know what happens.

I remember working at a bookstore when the second book came out. Even then it didn't seem people cared all that much. That was a long time ago. I didn't actually become a fan of the series until just a few years go compared. Even so it has been a long wait between book 4 (Wizard and Glass) and the finale. I remember when the "full" version of The Stand came out too and how excited people were. Somehow, the Stand managed to find it's way into Americana and beomce one of King's most popular works, yet the Dark Tower series seems to be shunted off to a back burner. Quite frankly, I don't see why the Stand is considered "all that and a bag of chips". It started out pretty well, but ended up being pretty mediocre if you ask me. It really didn't end up as anything very special. So if you've read the Stand and don't get it either, give the Dark Tower a try, it might be more to your liking.


On one further note -- I decided I would actually call a young lady and see if she wanted to hang out this evening -- wouldn't ya know, the phone number on the list just happens to be invalid. *le sigh* The one time I'm ready, willing and actually try and be social -- No Dice. Isn't that just the way of it?



Blogger Geo said...

So call another one. ; )

September 24, 2004 at 8:02 PM  

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