Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Beware the Jubjub Bird


While sitting outside the labroom waiting for the pervious class to vacate what happens in a clearly posted non-smoking area? Some woman lights up. *growls* A woman in my lab section agreed that she ought not to have done so and we discussed the pros and cons of actually asking her to put it out. What do you think?

So what's really on my mind tonight? I am amazed. I was looking over my schoolwork schedule and realized I'm totally caught up. I've been trying to keep up with things and have been doing well, but it always eems there is something else to do. And there is. When I say I'm caught up that means I've done all my assigned work, reading, etc. Alas, there is more I can do. I could very easily spend another couple of hours studying Japanese... and probably should. I should probably go over more physics as the Jubjub Bird of Physics attacks tomorrow in the form of our first test.

Mind you, this is a very, very basic physics class. It's all about the concepts. We don't even do math in class (just some very, very basic algebra in lab). I'm pretty comfortable with most of the concepts we discussed so why should I strain the "brain" and muddle it all up? Leave that to Kanji.

Talk about a Jubjub sneaking up on ya and biting you in the tush. The kana really weren't all that difficult. Sure, I still have to think about them half the time to "read" it, but it still makes a load more sense than Kanji does... though after a couple days of it, talking to Ochiai Sensee after class a little, reading websites, and generally just going over my homework again and again it looks like it may make sense some day. I'm sure I'll keep you posted.

I think I am going to take the next hour and a half before bed and take a bit of time for myself. Maybe we should take that Jubjub bird and stuff it in the oven. Afterall, if Godzilla can't take out some nonsense bird I'm not worthy of the kana that make up my name.

Until next time! Ja mata!



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