Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Knock, Knock.

Who's there?

Hiya gang. Kinda hard to believe it's been another 3 weeks (well 2.5something) since I last wrote again. Where does the time go? Anyhow, school starts again today. Yeah, I know some of you bums have already started but you also get out in April so quit complaining.

As it goes, I'm writing primarily because I have an hour and fifteen before class starts. Japanese 102. Yeehaw. I came early to finish up paying tuition for the class I picked up on my last shotgun trip to CA and get the books for it as well as determine where my classes meet. Lo and behold that didn't take very long at all.

So just in brief so you know what I'm looking at this term:

JPN 102 -- MWF 10-11
TR 10:30-11:45 (R being their designation for Thursday)
ENH 222 -- TR 9-10:15
ENG 200 -- W 7p-10p
FUS 101 -- MWF 1-2

ENH 222 is "Survey of English Lit after 1800". ENG 200 is "Reading & Writing about Lit" while FUS 101 is "Dimensions of the Future". More on that in a moment.

I mentioned a shotgun trip to CA. You know, cha-ching. There and back. This last one was to take Dad home. He helped Wendy and Christian (the baby) come out. It was apparently rotton awful weather, Christian had an ear infection and Wendy didn't know, so was very fussy and all in all it was a long, rough trip. So Dad's out and has no way back. Sure, he could fly, but what was I doing with my time aside from playing World of Warcraft? Not much. So I elected myself to make the drive both ways. Lo and behold, it was also for Sean Morris' benefit (my Brother-in-law). He was getting in from DC the day I was coming back so instead of his parents driving out from Moreno Valley (an hour out) and then another 5-6 back to AZ, I just took him back. All in all it worked out, but those drive out, spend a day and drive back trips aren't my fave. My last 3 trips to CA have been that way... the one before that was for a wedding.

So anyhow, back to school. My English classes I'm not sure what to think of. We'll see. I do know I've never been overly fond of Literary Criticism, ah well, I'll cope. It's the Future Studies thing that might prove to be interesting. Oh yeah, before I go on, this puts me at 14 credit hours vs 12 last terms. Sure, no 3 hour lab (1 credit of my 4 creit hour physics class) so that will help, but I suspect Japanese will be just as busy as ever and I *must* find some sort of job even if I have to go back to retail. *barf* Okay, so where was I... oh, FUS 101. Our texts are Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World and Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe. I've not ever read either before, though I've at least heard of the latter and am familiar a little bit with the athiestic former. Being something of a religionist I am curious to see how the class will be presented. It may not even be presented in that light, just from the back cover blurb on Sagan's book it's chock full of his universe with out a diety tripe. I am sure you'll hear more about it throughout the semester.

What? you ask. Am I going to be back to writing more, even daily? This I do not promise my friends. I *know* I am going to be busy. But I suspect I shall write more than every 3 weeks. If nothing else I do have from 2 pm to 7 pm on Wednesday's between classes. Doesn't seem much point in going home and coming back. That would take 1 of the 5 hours right there just in travel time. Mine as well hit the library, or if I get a part time job work a few hours there... yadda yadda yadda.

I just realized it's Tuesday not Monday. I have to RUN!



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