Sunday, November 07, 2004

Fly To Crazy - Going By Car Is Too Slow

What dives you crazy?

I'm sure there are an inordinate number of things that drive me crazy, or sane as the case may be. But I want to mention one of them at the moment. It has to deal with that whole relationship game that people seem to play. Maybe that's my problem, I don't play the game and because of that I can't seem to get anywhere. Course I make no bones about how against that particular game I am so it isn't a new revelation several weeks into knowing someone.

But *that* isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how it really *is* a two-way thing. Relationships, even starting one, works both ways. Even for an old-fashioned kind of guy that I am in many ways, without some effort on the young lady's part, nothing is going to work.

What do I mean? Well, if I call and you're not there, make a return phone call. Even if I'm not there at least I know you cared enough to make an effort. If we set a date -- show up. Might seem a simple thing, but I'm amazed at how it doesn't work that way so frequently. Things do happen in life, and I want to accept that. I have to say from past experience I am a little jaded on the being stood-up thing. When asked for an opinion, if you have one -- share it even if you disagree.

Basically - put in some effort. Now if you aren't interested in making a go of it, or being more than just friends, or whatever -- that gets into the rest of the game which I don't want to get into much except to say please put in enough effort there to politely say, "No thank you" rather than just ignore the person.

Alright end of tirade for now.

I was thinking of doing another shout out to my family, but I think I'll let it wait. Let the night just sail away and take my irritation sail away with it.

See ya next time.



Blogger Geo said...

Hiya. That wasn't such a nasty tirade as you seem to think. Sounded like a tired plea for common courtesy. Very, very reasonable. Does somebody need her head pounded by yer big, bad cousin? Just say the word. You know how tough I am. (Or do you? They call me the Avenging Angel!) I was orbiting the cyber world the past couple weeks, but I've landed again, and just thought I'd check in with my favorite reptilian superhero. Take care. Love, Geo

November 9, 2004 at 1:10 PM  

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