Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt

Boy, how true that is. Course every day I'm older than the previous one, but yesterday, of course, was the first day of my 34th year. Yup, I's 33 these days. So far the only thing that's different is... well I seem to remember even less Japansese than I did before. I just bombed my Chapter 4 written test. I know, I know, I've said I think I did poorly on exams before, but this isn't physics where I was just stressed. No, this is something I am a good 99.8% sure I absolutely butchered. For some reason all of Chapter 4 has been giving me fits. No matter how much I looked over it, nothing seemed to gel with me. Seriously, I'm looking over these questions and saying to myself, "Did we study that?"

The good news is that if you take every exam, and I will, that Ochiai sensei will drop your low test. This is good. This is VERY good. Though I still feel awful that I did so poorly and am just a wee be (read with extreme sarcasm) concerned that I'll need to know all the grammar that just didn't jive for the rest of the semester. So I don't know what I'm going to do about it but just keep going. Maybe when I *could* be studying more I'll have to and just force it in there even if it doesn't want to fit.

Doyle's creation, Sherlock Holmes, believed there was only so much space in there and not to fill it up with frivilous things. Course he also used cocaine (ever hear the 7% solution?) and I'm not about to do that. Course I also believe that we absorb a lot more than we have access to on a regular basis. Why I can't access (or couldn't) my Japanese files today is beyond me.

As it goes, I think that's all I really want to report right now. Hate to be a downer, but my therapy (writing this) will help me get over it. I do have some other news that has me a bit down too, but I'm still not sure I want to make that public fare.

So until next time -- Keep Stompin'!



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