Friday, January 21, 2005

REM Cycles and other Myths

Actually I do believe that REM Cycles are real and are a major part of restorative sleep. Why they are I don't know and amongst popular hypotheses I couldn't tell you if any were even close to the truth. Heck, since I studied it some 13-14 years ago there is probably new data. I was really just trying to say I didn't get much sleep again. My circadan rythym seems to be along a 40 hour (not even 48 hour) system.

Course last night it was also because I was playing with my new tool. It is not a toy, I bought it for use at school. *nods* Of course the fact that I can put all kinds of other crazy mad mp3s on the iPod is irrelevant. Because that class was cancelled and books could be returned but were already paid for, I had enough to buy the thing + like $5. We have these CDs for our text and workbook in Japanese that help us get used to hearing the language and answering questions. So I'm going to rip them into MP3s and carry around one small iPod rather than a CD Player, 8 disks, etc. Even putting them on mini-disc not only takes longer but takes up more space. Of course I started with stuff already ripped and even then had to spend time organizing it (and have a lot left) [lucky me my Oingio Boingo was pretty much exactly the way I wanted it so I put some 240+ OB songs on in a single shot].

Cancelled class? Did I forget to mention that? I'll bet I did being in such a huff over it for a while. Yeah, ya know how Wednesday was my long day? Well, not any more. I am on campus all day. I'm trying to get stuff done and stay awake. So it's 10 to 7 or so and I wander over to the classroom. There are people milling about so I wait for a bit. I peek in the window and nobody's sitting down, duh, the door is locked. Finally I start reading the notices next to the door. ENG 200, Sec 8950 has been cancelled. (Tthis is sounding really familiar so if I've already told it I'm going to chalk it up to lack of sleep and general stupidity on my part.) Anyhow, I was upset because I had spent all day waiting for the class, I need it to graduate, went out of my way to make a PITA (That's PITA [Pain In The Tookus] not PETA [whackos who think animals have human rights]) schedule so I could get it done. And now that it is cancelled if I drop Future Studies I'll be at 9 credits. *grumble* We have another "class" today so I'll see. I will probably end up sticking with it, but I'm not sure entirely yet. I have through Tuesday next week to make my decision which means class today and Monday so I'll see if it gets to be anything I feel comfortable with.

Anyhow, I am going to review some Japanese before class so I'll catch you guys and gals and Movie Monsters later today and let ya know how FUS101 went. Until then, keep truckin' good buddy.


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