Saturday, April 30, 2005

*le sigh*

I had high hopes for this weekend... at least that I would actually accomplish something. I've got plenty of schoolwork that needs doing and I'll have to get to it, because there's no time left NOT to do it. I planned (and did -- see below) to go see the New Hitchhiker's film. Get a bit of reading and gaming in as well. So let's see what's happened so far...

Hitchhiker's Guide, the movie. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but I won't be running out to buy this one any time soon. I am pretty particular about making books into movies, maybe too much so. I am sure some fans will love it, because it does have that same humor, even when it's not the book. I suppose I ought not be so picky about it because Douglas himself was writing the screenplay before he died, so the creator put it in... but it's not the novel. Ah well, I maintain that if you are a fan you see it at your own risk. I did enjoy a couple of cameo appeances. The BBC Marvin, though he didn't speak, and Simon Jones who played Arthur Dent in the BBC series. Speaking of the BBC series do yourself a favor and pick it up. Maybe I should dig up the radio version.

The phone was ringing just as I was going to bed, didn't really want to answer it so I let it go. Wouldn't ya know it, I find out this morning, it was my Dad telling me my grandfather was in the hospital pretty well comatose and not in very good shape. I tell ya, quite a ding to my weekend.

Grandpa's had diabetes for ... well, as long as I can remember he's had to watch what he's eaten. He's also been a little notorious for cheating on that. He's had to go to the hospital a few other times for as little as drinking a 12oz can of normal soda pop. I gather, from the e-mail Dad sent, he was found with pudding and OJ on his counter and had reached for the phone and got it off the hook before his collapse.

As it goes -- it doesn't look good, at least from the statistics Dad reported.

So I did see the movie, I still have loads of things to do/ study for school. But frankly, I just want to hide in a closet right now. Pray for me, and my grandpa, gang. We both, it seems, need all the help we can get.


PS -- Happy Birthday Khristine

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I know that my Redeemer Lives!

Howdy amigos,

Been a couple weeks again... and busy as always. Next couple of weeks will see the end of classes and final exams. Hard to believe it's almost over for the term -- there is plenty to be doing. Alas, going to attempt to hit the sack relatively early tonight, I've been falling asleep in the library (or at least dozing off) the last couple of days.

23 days (give or take hours). It's after finals, by more than a week. Maybe I should get a job at the movie theatre. Or try.

As for my title, I just wanted to note that, to tell the world that Christ does live and that is a wonderful thing. How anyone can get through their life without knowing of the love of the Savior for each of us is beyond me. (Even more so are the people who ridicule the idea, that somehow believing in God makes us weak.) To them and anyone who might be searching I will say again tonight, I *know* that my Redeemer lives!

Anyhow, just wanted to get that out for everyone to see. Until next time, whenever that may be...


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Godzilla and the Pea

Hey gang. Wow, it has been 2 weeks or so since I've said anything, hasn't it? (Not that this surprises any of you I'm sure). When last I wrote we were reading Portrait which we are now done with (aside from the Essay and Final Exam where I'm sure I'll have to write about it). We've now done some Hardy and Conrad. Our instructor said, "Casey, you like Conrad. Cover Heart of Darkness in the next 15 minutes." *choke* So I gave a little rundown and covered a couple of points I noticed in my half re-read of it... and it spurred some discussion. Yay for me.

Speaking of Yay! I managed to pull off a decent B on my last Japanese test. I know, I should be raving about A's... but considering the first two of the semester I was very pleased about this. If I can keep it up I should pull at least a B out of class, which I have to hope for... it has been a very scary semester in there for me. Today, actually, we have speeches. Yeah, we had to memorize 'em. I will definitely want to review mine again before class, as I have 3 hours (Lit was cancelled today so I really do have that much time -- U2 is in town ya know, and well our Lit prof is an Irish nut... anyhow) I thought I'd spend a couple writing here 'cause I hadn't in such a while.

Tax day is of course tomorrow. Mine are done. Yay, again. I guess I'm very lucky that my taxes are very easy right now. I'm telling ya, we should go to a flat tax. Cut out all this nonsense. Get rid of the IRS, Tax Attorneys, Accountant and stupid loopholes and writeoffs. The lady who does my taxes suggested a national sales tax that way the people who spend more pay more. Haven't thought about that to much, but then with a flat tax, those with more also pay more. *shrug*

So what do yo all think about the Pope's passing and all the stories about it and what's happening now? I have to say, I think the Pope really did strive to live a moral life and stand up for issues of morality and virtue. I am thankful that it was so. I just don't see how the Pope was the cause of the fall of the Soviet Union, and/or why/how he should be sainted... of course I don't believe in Saints that way so I guess I shouldn't even care. However, all these stories about picking the new Pope and whatnot... I am thankful that the Lord has a plan in place so I wouldn't (and don't) have to go weeks without a Prophet. I am glad it is not a vote that elevates someone to this position, and that pressures for changes in those moral standards John Paul II stood for aren't an issue. Whatever the case, I do hope the press dies down on it soon, because I want to go back to hearing about dogs walking 200 miles to find their owners. *snort* Guess I'm just not a news person.

Woke up this morn at about 3:15... very strange, it was a jump from being asleep to very wide awake... as you might read "He woke with a start." That's exactly what it was. Nothing was wrong in the house, nobody sneaking around, but it was such a strange experience for me. Most of you would know I don't like waking up... I suspect it's because I am groggy and slow... not that I need the adrenaline rush like that all the time, but if that's how I did wake up that clear headed and alert, maybe waking up wouldn't be so bad... though it might cause heart problems, I did note as I laid back down to go back to sleep that my heard was racing. That can't be a good thing all the time. Of course 3 hours later when the alarm went off, I didn't feel like getting up. Surprise, surprise.

Well, it's well past my normal time for heading out to school. Again, not that I'm in a huge gigantic rush, but that nagging feeling like I ought to be doing something else is well, nagging at me. See ya next time!
