Sunday, January 04, 2009

September to New Years' Day

Greetings Friends.

Boy how the time slips away. It is already nearly the 5th of January and it has been since September I last wrote.

Quincy came down for Halloween. She conspired with my boss to give me the weekend off and showed up at the store one day when I was working. Silly goose, I about died. She's awesome. That was a very good visit for us and I think one of the more solid visits we had.

A couple weeks later I was able to make another trip to Utah to see my girl (no pics, didn't take the camera) which was nice. As it was a quick weekend and very unplanned I didn't tell anyone else except Sean and fam with whom I was staying. So please forgive me for not calling anyone else. It was a really good weekend for Quincy and I.

Thanksgiving steamrolls over us and lo, she is able to come down surprising her mother. And again in December for Christmas and New Years (through the 4th!)

During our several visits as things progressed the topic of marriage came up. I kept saying not this year, we're not there yet and she agreed. Well, over the Christmas break we were talking more and the logistics of when and where and realized that we were much closer than we thought, and waiting until February just wasn't logical. So we went ring shopping.

Originally I wanted to just get ideas and go later, but because the time frame was all shot up, we ended up getting it right then and left it to be sized. We did go to the Shane Company because frankly they had great prices (compared to other jewelers) and great service.

So I picked up the ring on the 30th and didn't mention it again. She knew when it was supposed to be ready and all and I suspect knew I was planning on asking, but since February was out... Derek and Ann were throwing a New Years gig on short notice and about 1/3rd the number of people showed up. Pity cause we did have fun. Midnight came, some poppers and cheers in the backyard and I took her up to the balcony. We looked at the stars for a couple minutes and I told her that I often wondered if she looked at the sky and thought of me as I did of her when we were apart.... then I got down on my knees and asked her to marry me.

She said yes.

So of course we had to go back downstairs if for no other reason than to leave the party (as I had to open at work). So we spent a few minutes being congratulated and I dropped off my fiancee and went home to bed.

So gang, after nearly 37 years, I have found the girl to wed. She's awesome, she loves me (for some [many] unknown reason[s]), and so on 16 May 2009 we will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Mesa, AZ temple.

Alas, tis late and I should be in bed again... but decided I best post something. Good-night and Happy New Year!
