Sunday, October 31, 2004

Alone In a Room, Full of People

Ever feel that way? I've got 4 roommates and at times feel like I am totally alone in this house. At times it seems we have nothing in common. Especially on Football days. *rolls eyes* Not only are they all addicted to it to begin with they are all playing the Fantasy Football thing, some of them in several leagues, so all I hear about is who did this and who didn't do that and if ONLY someone had done this one thing they'd have won. Blah, blah, blah. I guess I do it for my own stuff too, but football just leaves me cold.

Speaking of cold... I've got one. I knew it was coming on, but it hasn't really gotten better (yet). It will, though. How do I know? Well, Derek and Michael came over at my request and gave me a blessing. I can't afford to take the time off of school so I have to be better. No ifs, ands or buts about it. With faith and the power of the Priesthood, I'm going to be better. I supposed I could have asked my roommates... but I'd only be comfortable with a couple of them in a situation like that. Brothers worked out really well.

Speaking of brothers -- time for another one of those family mentions. Today being my nephew Alex's (with me in my profile pic) 6th birthday, I thought I'd say thanks to and for his Dad. My brother Sean has always been the Nicest Guy I have ever known. He just has that kind of dispostion where people like him and he likes people. A peacemaker in a family of grumps. He's the closest in age to me and he and I were awfully close. He was a great friend, not just a brother. So thanks Bro for being such a great guy, a fine example and a fantastic dad to one fantastic nephew.

Well the weekend is almost over. One good thing about having been ill is I have done a large majority of my homework. 4 pages of workbook left (due Friday), 2 physcis problems I know the answers to but have to write down, and that's about it. YAY! Of course the piles of new work begin again tomorrow.

Happy Halloween, everyone. See ya in November.



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