Saturday, October 23, 2004

Cabbages and Kings!

Another week has come and gone. Just where does the time go? I always think I'll get something done this week. I'll do this or I'll do that. Monday comes along and I've got too much going on to get to it. Tuesday rolls around and after Physics lab I'm lucky to have enough mental motivation to get my HW done let alone anything else. Wednesday is another long day at school. Thursdays are my shortest day and so I feel I either need a break or time to bust it out and get caught up. Then it's Friday again and before I can blink the week is over. When did this start? Back in August when school started. I tell ya, thinking of adding work into that mix might qualify me for Belleview. Ding-Dong. Oh look, fellas, it's guys in white coats come to visit me.

So how's the homework situation? I'm on target. I'm doin okay. I do have some to do tomorrow, but not floods of it, I did a lot of that today. After yesterday's mess I feel a lot better. Course would have been nice to have that done then so I could be further along today, but that's not he curve ball that I got pitched. I did manage to get out and scout locations to park and ride. Not as easy as you might think... or well, places you'd be comfortable leaving your car. I'm wary of leaving it in a parking lot of a store all day, but if I'm way out there why would they be bothered? Only time will tell. But then what about just plain ol' public streets? I think I found one that may work. I shall attempt to test one of the places on Monday I hope. It's only about 4 miles from campus, but hey, I put gas in the car today instead of yesterday so somewhere along this week I saved some miles. Yeehaw. Now just got to up that savings of mileage on the car.

Not much else is new, really. Dad's interested in getting me talk to a gal in the ol' home ward. I'm not adverse to it, but I've had even less luck with women Dad has picked out for me than any other person who has ever tried to set me up. I think my Cousin probably did the best job of it. Set me up with a really nice gal and we had a good time. I don't know what it is, but just never seems to work out though.

I ones hypothesized that people didn't set you up with folks you'd be interested in. Rather they set you up with people who they would have been interested in if they were single. Imagine that reason behind some of them and tell me I'm wrong? Okay, so probably not every time, but enough. One of the most mind boggling things about it is the "Oh, hey. You're single. There's this single lady .... " As if being single is the sole reason we should get together. As if it is a curse being single that can magically be undone and wouldn't ya know it, any other single member of the opposite gender is going to be able to do it for you.

I'm not going to spend tonight telling you what I'm looking for in a woman (primarily because I don't want that much self introspection tonight) but I will say this. I realized in the last few weeks that I really do prefer brunettes in the area of physical attractiveness. This does not mean in any way that there are not attractive people with almost any hair color (though as an early teen I certainly thought that). If you took a blonde, a brunette and a redhead who were in allways equally attractive in all other respects, I would pick the brunette as being the most attractive. Just the way I am I suppose. But like Benedick, in all reality I can say about her hair, whomever she may be "and her hair shall be of what colour it please God." [One extra note here -- in the 1993 Much Ado About Nothing fair Hero is played by the lovely Kate Beckinsale which I just realized this week. Now in her early 30's, she looks even better. *meow* Ahh but looks really aren't everything.]

Random musing -- I wonder how long I can live off of hard-boiled eggs without getting sick of them. At least as a breakfast food. A dozen large eggs is usually under a dollar. Eating a couple a day for breakfast and that'll last almost a week. Approximately 4 weeks to a month. So I've got breakfast covered for an entire month for under $4? Is that possible? I suppose it is, but I don't think it'll happen, that's just a lot of eggs. But these are the things a poor, poor student tries to come up with. Course if I could stand "Cup O' Noodles" every day, that'd be about fifteen cents a day for lunch. Course that's not very healthy either. Not that I'm extremely health concsious. But more than that, I'm a canivore and want something a bit more solid sometimes. [Technically I guess I'm an omnivore, but why pick nits? Afterall, I like animals, they taste good.]

And so I see it is post 9 pm. Funny how that clock never stops a tickin'. Ward Council tomorrow so I should go to bed. Never was good at getting to church 2 hours early, but why tempt myself by staying up late? From the depth of the Pacific to the ruins of Tokyo [quick note -- all the natural disasters Japan has been facing the last few days are quite scary and sad I hate to even look at the headlines] -- this is Godzilla, signing off.



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