Monday, February 14, 2005

Saint Peter Don't Ya Call Me...

.. 'Cause I can't go. I owe my soul to...

Well, lots of repentance first. Hehe.

Hi gang. Not sure what I'm going to gab about. Really don't have much to report. I've done my Homework, even am slightly ahead. Put in some extra time Friday with a study group (and we've got more planned) and wouldn't ya know conjugating adjectives is starting to make a little more sense and I might actually remember it. Alas, we've already had the test on that (and more) but I figure we're just going to build on that so I need to know it. If we can get it learned and keep up with current stuff that'd be good. *nods*

Haven't done much with Lit yet. We did that first paper. Kinda want to see how it went so I know what she's looking for. Not having been in one for a very long time, ya know, it'd be good to see what is wanted. Ya know? We were assigned the beginning of the Victorian's. Just read the intros and some of the stuff for Matthew Arnold. The intro stuff really were dichotomous. The one for his prose and critical work really seemed to show him as a Victorian while the intro for his poetry kept calling him a Romantic even though he's not seen as one most of the time. Anyhow, should be interesting to see how we deal with it. It's got to be better than Carlyle's Sartor Resartus which not only seems difficult, but was wholly uninteresting to me.

Should prove to be a strange week. In two of my classes we have MCC Assessment tests. Not sure what goes on, but apparently it takes the whole class period. One is in Lit the other in Japanese and I think they're on 2 diff days. While a break is appreciated, just going to make for a strange week. Not to mention one of my least fave holidays ever. Maybe should I ever have reason to celebrate it I might like it better, but until then -- just a miserable holiday. And then Wednesday that PS2 game, Xenosaga II, comes out. So I have to be sure to get my HW done and even get ahead of schedule so I have a little bit of time to play, heya?

Anyhow, think I'll leave this note be for now. Still haven't determined if I want to make public something that has been bothering me for a little while. Not that there is anything I can do about it myself, so I suppose I shouldn't even fret over it. Alas, never been my nature to ignore something like this.

Until next time, Keep Stompin'!



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