Thursday, September 30, 2004

All the King's Horses and All the King's Men

Welcome to another edition of the Stompin' Ground.

I do want to thank Geo for the suggestion. I might have to look into the earplug thing. Never tried sleeping with 'em before and certainly not the cheap 89 cent ones ya get at the shooting range. I was lucky enough to have no cricket maddness last night. Someone was looking out for me too because I forgot to turn on my alarms. I woke up between when they would have gone off and instead of rolling over as I was want to do, I felt I ought to check the clock first and lo, I made it to school. So far that's 100% attendance. Not a very common thing in my life I must say. Course I did take my Lysol can and sprayed and sprayed and sprayed under the bed. Ya know how it kind of hangs briefly in the air, I was hoping it would spread enough down there that if anything was there it wouldn't be very chirpy.

Sorry to hear about your woes, Kong. Pity that you aren't playing much GBG. I've been duking it out with a couple of computer opponents (diff teams) on Moderate. Sometimes I clean up really easily. Othertimes I just can't seem to keep up. I always go random so I don't know that I have a fave group -- but that Rebel/Empire team sure was pretty Stomptastic. Shielded X-wings guarding AT-AT's -- what could be better? I do have to say the last two times I have taken the competition down though, it was as the Trade Federation. Shielded Destroyer Droids are also pretty buff. Hope the head cold is gettin' better and your tech insomnia takes a break. Even worse when you're ill and need the sleep more than normal.

So what's new? Not a whole lot really. I think I nailed the Kanji Quiz we had today. I don't think they're worth a lot of points, but it's nice to know I'm not stinking the place up. We got our last bunch of them today and quite frankly I need more practice. I know we'll do some in class tomorrow and our next quiz is Monday. After that it's another couple of weeks of Chapter 1 in the text. I guess we bust our hiney learning the Kanji asap because it's all throughout the rest of the chapter. Course there is a LOT that is in the chapter that we just don't cover... hence why they give us the hurigana (little kana above the kanji) so we know how to pronounce it at least. I did notice as I did the pages from our workbook that they did make a little more sense. In today's reading from our text there was a little blurb from the author that suggests that learning Kanji really does get easier after learning around 500 of them. (Since there are around 2000 in common usage and after 4 semesters of Japanese you cover about 400 in class -- that didn't make me feel a while lot better.)

One nice thing -- there is no computer homework over the weekend. I showed up to class about half hour early and instead of just goofing around (or posting here) I decided to get a jump start on that day's assignment. I was almost 2/3rds done with everything when our instructor finally got around to telling us the changes she wanted made from the way the text wanted us to do things. *laugh* So I had to go back and redo a few things, but I was still way ahead of the game. Maybe I should look ahead. She's probably got some crazy mad idea like for Word. A big 4 part project worth the same as a test. Last time she did that, it was assigned Monday and due Wednesday. It was on the schedule for more than a week, but on the schedule for a week but a week away doesn't really help if you aren't peeking ahead all the time. *shrug* I managed to do alright with the last one, even if I did have to stay up late to get it done.

That's good too because I just realized it's conference weekend! YAY! Conference is a really cool deal. You get to listen to various of the Lord's Servants share messages directly related to our world today. Check it out if you haven't. Never know, it may change your life. Tends to change mine when I pay attention. You can even listen to it on-line from LDS dot org. They also archive it so if you do happen to miss it, you can always go back and read, listen, watch things you missed.

And to think I was planning on saying a little 'bout the origins of Kong and Godzilla. Alas, I think that's enough for now. I can tell that story another time.

While the cows are away,



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