Thursday, October 21, 2004

On Every Golden Scale

Welcome to the wonderful world of a this Thursday.

Today wasn't a near blown tire. No. Today wasn't being so busy I didn't have time to ride. No. Today was a combination of strange events. Rain for one. I know, Arizona and Rain don't seem to go together very often, but today it happened. The news even told me it was going to. Imagine my surprise when I left school and the sun was shining bright with nary a cloud in sight. But by the time I got home and had started working on my schoolwork -- imagine my surprise when the rain came a tumbling down.

Of course getting started on the schoolwork took a little more time than normal. I sit down to work on one of my 3 Access projects due Monday so I'm not swamped over the weekend. I start up Access and go to load my database and wouldn't ya know -- error. Strange ones too.
First Error then Second Error. Imagine my surprise when not only wouldn't it open my file but actually nuked it. (Fortunately for me I wasn't very far into it from working on it at school.) Alas, the tale is not over.

I run a repair on Access. No dice, still comes up with it. I think perhaps since the second file appears to be Japanese I tried removing Japanese language support. No dice. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling MS Office from scratch. No dice. All sorts of crud. Nothing worked. So my other options include -- find somewhere else to do it or don't do my work. I'm not about to NOT do it so I've got to do it elsewhere. I really, really don't want to sit in the school labs and do all this stuff. So I nuked my Win98 box and installed Windows XP and then isntalled Office on that box... and wouldn't ya know, Access works there. Mind you, it takes a heck of a lot longer to *do* all this than it does to talk about it.

So anyhow, I can now do my computer homework at home, but the time I had to waste to get it done... *le sigh*. I got some studying done for my Physics test tomorrow, wish me luck.

I started working on my load of Japanese work/study and hardly made a dent in it, honestly. Alas, the rocks in the head are a bit fried at the moment so that's going to have to wait until tomorrow.

Also made a quick grocery run and picked up a birthday card for my nephew Alex. (He's the one in my profile pic with me). He turns 6 this year on Halloween. I sure miss him. He's a great little guy and of all his Uncles knew my name first! Woohoo! Wish I could manage more than a card since he's so far from the rest of his family. I hear he misses his baby-sister quite a bit and calls to talk to her more than his Dad. *grin* Sounds like something Alex would do.

Well for all the dark and dreary clouds that seem to be rolling in -- never fear. Somewhere, sometime the sun's going come out and we'll see a bit of a rainbow on every golden scale.



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