Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Que Lastima!

Ever have one of those days? One where you are feeling just enough under the weather that you'd rather not be doing anything but sleeping? Ever have one when you've got plenty of work to get done so you just can't take the time off? Welcome to the wonderful world of school.

I don't know exactly (okay, so I don't have much of a clue at all) as to why I felt that way today, but boy howdy did my body want to rebel against my wishes. So much so that it did. I took a nap this afternoon and hence didn't get as much done as I needed to. Oh, I'm fairly close, but not quite there. That's the determination side trying to win over the blah feeling. So what do I do? Stay up later (as I'm already past normal bed time) and just hope the trend doesn't continue or do I hit the sack tonight and just bust my tail tomorrow playing catch-up? I'll tell ya, I prefer to be caught up than having to come from behind. Alas, if this maliase is something more than a lack of sleep, then I think I'd rather go to bed than make it worse.

Maybe it's my body reacting to getting more exercise in the last week than in the last year. Even so, I'm once again behind the 8-ball, though this time it's not because I was a lazy bum but more because insomnia and a heavy workload.

Whatever the case I need to get goin' with something either the HW or to bed. I'll see ya'll next time.



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