Wednesday, October 13, 2004

By the Pricking of My Thumb

Hello once again.

Soon to bed, probably sooner than normal for last night I was up several times. Not because the Frumious Bandersnatch (cricket) kept me up, but for that interminable insomnia I seem to have. C'est la vie. Alas, it is an issue because ashita (that'd be tomorrow for you gai-jin) there's the big ol' Chapter 1 test. 5 parts. Reading, Listening, Grammar, Vocab and Composition. Zoinks. As much time as I have been putting in I just don't feel prepared for it. Course I've been saying that and doing pretty well. Hope the trend continues but this time I really think I could do with another 10-15 hours of study before the test. No, I'm not exaggerating (that looks funny to me but it is correct). So *crosses fingers* here's to hoping more of it really has sunk in than I feel has. Glad nothing else big is going on this week -- means I have some time to practice for the oral test tomorrow evening too. *nods*

We got our schedule for Chapter 2 today. Poor Sensee, she went over it a couple of times and still have 3 errors on it. One is rather minor as she had the correct information on another day, but for the test days she somehow skipped a day and is showing them on the wrong days. I was almost late to Physics (butsurigaku -- hey, something stuck in the web between my ears!) because I was talking to her about it and other things. I'm sure it'll be mentioned in class.

Almost 1/3rd of our class wasn't around today. I think a portion of that had to do with the Debate between President Bush and John Kerry at ASU. Lots of roads were closed and made a mess of things around town all day. It really is quite sad to think the world has come to such a time and place where we have to have so much security for such an event. And just think, if Kerry gets elected we'll sink even faster! Ahh the Last Days... guess I'm something of the doom and gloom type when it comes to that. Perhaps more on that topic someday.

Our "big" project for our Excel section of BPC110 is due Monday. It's a budget spreadsheet for 6 months that we're supposed to do. It can be fictitious and mine is going to have to be. I was wondering just how much fiction I could get away with... put things under expenses like "Payment to Bookie", "Palm Grease", and the like. Even though it's intent would be humorous and certainly fictitious I don't suppose it would go over very well. I guess I'll stick with more "normal" expenses, even if they are pure fiction.

So my friend Chad thinks it's a good idea to do a Book Review Blog. Quite frankly, his was part of the inspiration for the idea. As you can see, though, I'm lucky to be reading at all it seems. Heck, we got our Chapter 2 Kanji sheet today and need to be ready on Monday to show off in class during practice because Tuesday is Kanji Quiz time. It's neverending.

Registration has already started for next term. I need to get a look at that and see what I can do with it. Non-stop madness I tell you. But ya know, I am pretty happy. I'm doing something I want to do. A lot of people don't like school. There was certianly a time in my life when I didn't much care for it either. However, now that I want to be there, it makes all the difference in the universe. So does that mean I really don't want to find that special someone or is that still just a combination of uber-pickiness and plain ol' bad luck?

I'll let you guys ponder that too whilst I head out for now. See you all later.



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