Monday, October 11, 2004

No Gnus is Good Gnus

And wouldn't you know there isn't much news.

I found out that Costener-san had a cousin getting baptized on Saturday which is why she and her amiga were there. Still not sure if she's LDS, as we were practicing dialogs for our test Friday, but that's a bit of news. Even if she isn't it was very cool of her to be there for her cousin.

Test on Friday? Yup. Doesn't it seem like we just took a speaking test? Chapter 1 has certainly gone a load faster than the Getting Started section. Course we did learn all the kana at first, but then we did have 24 Kanji in Chapter 1 (okay, okay so almost half of those were numbers but still....) Whatever the case it seems like we haven't spent enough time on Chapter 1. Sure, we're reviewing this week until the test (well, tomorrow we go to the library to learn how to type in Japanese and set up windows boxes to do it -- some of you will have noticed the kana in previous posts [others can't see it for various reasons {insert your favorite toy computer (ie Macintosh) joke here}] so I don't really need to know how, but I will be there anyway to make sure there isn't anything funny I'm missing.)

Anyhow, I spent my afternoon writing out 4 of the 6 possible dialogues. I will probably do the other 2 tomorrow. From there it's just practice, practice, practice and make sure I know them. Course we also have our written/listening test on Thursday so I will have to review that too. And one more computer project (well, 5 minutes of the other one, maybe 10 if I decide to be slow on the first project) due Wednesday.

Top that off with a bit of Physics and you've rounded out my week with yet another fun filled, action-packed adventure where before I can blink it's going to be Thursday and then the week will be over and I'll wonder again why I didn't get a job and what I'm going to do about it (among other things).

And so it goes and so it goes -- I've a few minutes to prep for bed and so off I go. Catch ya later!



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