Wednesday, October 06, 2004

He Chortled in His Joy!

And oh what a joy it is to stomp and smash. Be it Tokyo, New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Sydney or anywhere else. Though I remember hearing vaguely about it, there is yet another Godzilla film in the works. Toho Pictures is doing a 50th Anniversary film Godzilla Final Wars. As I understand it, the 10 or so other Kaiju (something like Mysterious Beast but for my purposes just Monster) show up all at once all over the world destroying everything. The humans band together to stop them to no avail. Out of nowhere an alien race shows up and whomps up the Kaiju. Oops. All the while yours truly is sleeping away in frozen Antarctica under some ice. I think it's hitting Japan this December so who knows when it'll make it to the states, but I'll wait ever so patiently for what appears to be the best 'Zilla film yet. *dances a jig* (Ooops, there goes Phoenix!) But really, I am excited for this. Some of the Godzilla movies are better than others, certainly. Some of them really are pretty bad, period. But I've always been a Godzilla fan.

Maybe it's because I always liked Dinosaurs as a kid and Godzilla reminded me of them. Maybe it's because I used to watch Monster Movie marathons with my Grandmother. She always remembered Rodan. Maybe it's because I just liked the whole radioactive breath thing. Maybe I just wanted to believe there was such a cool beast as Godzilla. (Nessie exists, by the way. I've been in Loch Ness - albeit briefly, but I know she's there.) So keep an eye out for Final Wars sometime in the future.

In other news -- the vocab quiz went well, I think. I suppose we'll get them back tomorrow. Poor sensee, still not feeling well. Hope she didn't pass anything on to us. Blarg. She's a trooper though, showing up to teach her morning class even though she's not feeling well. The quiz was 20 (well 23 w/ extra credit points) questions. 10 from Japanese (spoken) to English (written) and vice-versa. One of them was biru (ビル) which is building. When she said it 2/3rds of the class was laughing. I really hope they weren't thinking biiru (ビール) which is beer. I guess we shall see.

I missed something in my schedule. I thought I was almost done with my WB entries due next Tuesday and was all excited... HA. No, no. 8 more pages were assigned today that I somehow missed when looking over it. Oh well, just more time to put in. This is all listening too. The workbook came with some CDs and we have to listen to various things and answer questions and whatnot about it. Sometimes it's really, really easy and other times it's quite difficult. I think I'll do a bit better this time because we've had a lot more practice listening by now than we did before. I suppose we'll see.

And so it goes, and so it goes.... off and away I go.



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