Saturday, October 09, 2004

Sleepin' With the Fishies

Normally this would be a bad thing. For all you bipedal, non-radioactive lifeforms I hear this is a euphemism for death, even murder. For me -- no problem. Gotta love being amphibious that way. And boy do I need it.

Let me tell you, an entire day with my family can be quite exhausting. It was and is quite amazing, there were NO fights. No arguments that I noted anyway. No great disruptions. Dad didn't even pester me about getting married this time. Not once. If you didn't believe in miracles, my friends, believe you me, you should now from that one lack of event alone. Yup, we were together for Jesse's baptism. I guess a fair number of youngsters were getting baptized there were about 8 families listed on the program.

So we're sitting in the chapel waiting and wouldn't ya know it, two gals from my Japanese class come in. They were there for a different family, and I didn't find out why today, but it was such a small world feeling. I did pop over and say hi briefly, but had to hustle off for my nephew. Maybe more to that story on Monday if I find anything else out.

Everything went very well. One of my other nephews was very curious about the baptismal font and looked like he was going to try and jump in. He's 2 and thought it looked like a bit bath. *grin* Jesse was asked who he wanted to act as witnesses to make sure it was all done properly and he asked for me and my brother Patrick Ryan (visiting from Utah for this). So that was really neat.

Ry and his wife have a little boy (I am just overflowing with nephews it seems). Today was the first time I've been able to see little James since he was born. As soon as my sis-in-law took him out of his caressed and turned him around to face me his face lit up with this big ole' smile. Even though he hadn't met me, he knew his best uncle on sight. Alex, one nephew who unfortunately couldn't be with us, would probably agree with him. I would post a pig here but forgot to resize the image so here's a link if you want to see one shot of him. He's hand surfing on my next older brother Derek hand much to the chagrin of his parents. Welcome to the wonderful world of the Bowen Clan. We are the Bowen. Resistance is Advisable. Anyhow, he's really an awfully sweet little guy. I would suspect that from his mother, but his Dad... Well let's just say I have seen Ryan as a much changed man and mostly for the better. I say mostly because he still is an attorney and well, let's just say I'm not fond of the profession.

Anyhow -- from 9:15ish for about the next 11½ hours I spent around family and with the munchkins thinking I am Uncle Jungle Gym, an air hockey table, and keeping other entertained for a while doing the "walk the dog" hula-hoop gig I'm a bit worn out. As suspected I didn't get much homework done. I did take it over there and forced myself to get some of it done. I did my physics problems and finished up my workbook and looked over some vocab for Japanese. I really needed to crank out another couple of hours of study. Oh well, guess sometimes we sacrifice to be with those we're supposed to be close to.

Anyhow, I still have a couple of things to do before I crash and burn and go stomping through the land of Nod so I'll close this off.

Oh yeah, Geo, I must apologize -- I forgot to pass along your message. I can only plead family insanity and new nephew syndrome. I did hog James as much as I could.




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