Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Walls Came A Tumblin' Down II

First -- I want to say I did not miss writing yesterday. I wrote. Blogspot did not publish. I let it sit there for some 20 minutes and it did not change a single percentile. Of course when you hit the back button all you get is an empty body with your title still in place. Needless to say, I wasn't about ready to rewrite everything last night as it was already a bit past bedtime (did a little more homework while it was attempting to publish). So *grumble-grumble*. There, that's about all I've got in me for such a matter. Not a very big deal, but mildly irritating. Anyhow, must get ready for school now. I suspect I'll see you all later.



*shakes head in disbelief*

I tell ya, strange things are afoot at the Circle-K. Or maybe it's just Blogspot. Either way, I am just going to shake my head and move on. I checked this morning and my entry from yesterday wasn't there so i wrote the above. I get back from school and it tells me it's published at 50% so I check and don't see the above message anywhere. I figure I'd just call today's entry "3 Strikes and You're Out" and see what happens.

Well, what happens is several hours later not only did it publish my brief message of this morn but yesterday's post twice. So what in the world do I do with that? Well of course I get rid of one of the doulbes and look like a smurf-for-brains about the rest of it. Oh well, as I gave my brain away before I went to High School I don't suspect I really need it now anyway.

Today we learned how to type in Japanese. I already knew a lot of it from goofing around on my own, but that's okay. I did learn a few new things that should make it a little easier in the future. My only real concern is that Sensee is now going to have us do more "written" work to be turned in. We shall see. Oh yeah -- in an e-mail she sent me today she called me Gojira-san! Woohoo! Been a long time since anyone has called me Godzilla really. Even Kong calls me Paco most of the time, but then I still call him Tractor so it all works out.

Finished up the computer project due tomorrow. The instructions told us to size some column to a specific size. Alas, at that size it won't show the data the column is supposed to show. Silly book. Our Physics lab was kind of dull but easy.

I finished up Henry Kuttner's Fury. Kuttner was an author quite a while back, starting around the 1940's. I still really enjoy his stuff when I can find it. He and his wife CL Moore wrote a fair bit together but it can be tough to find. This one was actually a Brit book that I ran across at Half-Price Books.

Speaking of books I was thinking of doing some sort of book review blog page. Would anyone care? Here I am with plenty to do (tests in Japanese Thursday and Friday) and I'm considering writing even more for the black hole that is the web. Why would I do this? Well I a> am a little bit crazy, b> agree with my friend Kong that writing can be theraputic, and c> sometimes want to tell someone about the books I've been reading, even if they don't listen. Time will tell.

Anyhow, my eyes need a break from this CRT radiation. I kind of doubt I'll be back tonight, but ya never know. Until whenever the next time is -- ja mata!



Blogger Geo said...

Just spotted your photo. Wow, have I got two handsome cousins!

October 12, 2004 at 10:27 PM  
Blogger Chad said...

I recommend a book review column. I've really enjoyed having mine. Just a little something for fun ya know, at http://www.chadcluff.com/reviews/bookreview.html

October 13, 2004 at 7:38 PM  

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