Sunday, October 03, 2004

Behind The 8 Ball

Okay gang, I'm still behind the8-ball.

Conference was really good. I watched the first session this morning with my Brother and his family. It makes a little more difficult with munchkins running around who aren't really understanding, but it was nice. I came home afterward to get a little of what I didn't get done, done. And I did. I did my Physics and started some Japanese. The second Sunday session stated up so I was watching that. After that the plan was to go over to Derek's again for some homemade ice cream.

Little did I know that this plan included another several hours of haning out with the family and not getting anything else done. So I still have hours worth of HW that I can't possibly get done tonight, at least not without staying up all night or much of it and I'm just not willing to do that. I do grant it really is my own fault for not working on it yesterday or Friday and getting it done. So tomorrow looks like it's going to be a busy day for me. Lots of time in the library getting it done.

I also missed my friend Andrea's B-day because I was with the fam. Sorry Andrea, hope it was a grand day for you. Mayhaps sometime this week I'll be able to pop by and say Hi.

Yet another short entry -- but I need to make sure I get to bed on time... givin up the Pepsi/Dew I need the sleep, and with some catch up time tomorrow, I don't need to be yawning through everything as I do it. So I'll close this off. See ya next time.



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