Saturday, October 02, 2004

It Isn't Easy Being Green

No Kermit The Frog here. Just Godzilla.

Today was good. Today is good. I caught most of conference (admittedly I dozed off a couple of times) but put in an effort to watch, listen and I hope learn. More tomorrow. I'm sure that will be good too. So why isn't it easy being green?

Well, since purple is my favorite color it kinda clashes. But no really, today I haven't had any caffiene. No Pepsi or Dew (Ooh, GREEN!). Nada. There are a couple of reasons for this. 1> I am dirt poor and can't afford it anymore. 2> Realizing I shouldn't be (can't being a convienient term we use for choices we choose not to do more often than we really are not able to do) spending the money on soda I am choosing not to and as I am now OUT of soda, not buying more. 3> I'm chubby and soda certainly doesn't help that so mayhaps I'll be able to drop a few pounds by taking it out of the ol' diet.

Today hasn't been that bad really. I suspect I'll have to cope with some headaches tomorrow and for a few days thereafter. Good thing I'm not against aspirin. Sorry, no Excedrin, what's the point of laying off the Dew if I just scrounge up the caffiene somewhere else. Sure, sure, the pointless calories I chug in soda, but mine as well do it all.

There is one other side effect (well two sorta). I am tired a lot more without the soda. Though the caffiene may have a little to do with it, I really think it's the sugar rushes that cause that more, at least in the mornings for getting me moving. Frankly, caffiene is a stimulant but in large enough doeses seems to be a depressant and my body seems to be good at building up tolerances to things so after caff'in up for many months, the caffiene really doesn't keep me awake all night anymore, but the body expects it so when you take it away it wants to sleep more.

Anyhow -- the Big Green Radioactive Monster is ready to hit the sack (barring no crickets)! Wish me luck with laying off the soda. See ya on the flip side.



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