Friday, October 15, 2004

How Cheerfully He Seems To Grin

Welcome once again to another edition of the Stompin' Ground. I feel a little bit like I have been stomped upon. Yes, the Great Gojira has been (or will be) conquered by yesterday's bicycle. I am sure I'll feel it a bit more tomorrow or Sunday... I took about a 4-mile round trip ride (to the video store) this evening to see if I was up to doing this. I could probably make it, but I think I need to keep the conditioning going for another week or two until my body gets used to the idea of riding a bicycle again. I got one of my movies! One of the more modern ones.

And yet, I am grinning (and quite cheerfully). Why? Well, primarily because it's the weekend. Yes, yes, I have plenty to do this weekend. Loads more than normal because I put off some things for my Japanese tests, but even so I will get a bit of relaxation in somewhere. I'll have to or I'll go sane and heaven forbid a radioactive reptile goes sane. It's not pretty. I am about halfway done with my computer work already. I have a touch of reading to do and one HW problem in physics and then some new Kanji for Japanese. I'll manage. Somehow the Lord blesses me with the ability to get it done.

So how'd today's test go -- well, after all that work and preparation I still couldn't remember how to ask at least one question I needed to. *growl* Of course I remembered the other ones just fine but that wasn't the topic that got picked. I was pleased when she was asking me questions that I knew what she asked every time and gave pretty decent responses. I am sure I did okay, but maybe not 100%. Chapter 2 tests in like 3 weeks and we haven't even started covering it in class -- just this Kanji assignment for Monday.

I found out that 2 of the guys in the front row in Physics with me are LDS. It's quite amusing to me because we are some of the more vocal people in class with comments and questions. I just wouldn't have suspected that all 3 of us were Mormon, ya know? It has been kind of nice the last couple of weeks, other people in class are starting to speak up from time to time so it isn't just the 3 of us always giving (or attempting to give) answers because nobody else will.

I do want to share a piece of comedy I recently looked up again. A couple days ago for some unknown reason I remembered this thing I read years ago about a man in a hotel and some bars of soap. I recalled thinking it quite a piece of hilarity. Should you feel inclined you can Check It Out in one of it's many internet forms. Hope you enjoy it. I certainly did, even having read it before.

I do believe it's time for Godzilla to hit the sack. Maybe even a bit early. The last couple days of stressing over tests and riding the bike have me plain tuckered out. Isn't that just swell?

[Tangent-- "Swell?" "You know Clark, there aren't a lot of people who are comfortable using the word 'swell'." RIP Christopher]

*swims off into the sunset leaving Tokyo to live another day*



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