Thursday, October 14, 2004

There's Always Room For Jello

Sure there is! What they fail to tell you is that it's in your legs. Ho-boy. What you haven't guessed yet? Okay, I'll spill the beans (with some extra space)

Yuppers -- a bicycle. And well, after all this time of not riding (or doing much else of an excercise-ical nature for quite a while -- even a short ride turned my legs to jello. There are a couple of reasons why I decided to go insane today and buy a bike. 1> gas prices are ridiculous, 2> I really need to get some exercise, 3> maybe I can kill 2 birds with one stone.

Gas around here is $2.12 to 2.20-something (rounding the 9/10th of a cent up). School is 12 miles away. I usually get some 30-35 mpg with freeway and around town driving. I usually put in about 8 gallons of gas a week. Being unemployed, that is rather difficult. While I am in no shape to ride 24 miles a day right now -- if I drive even halfway, I think I could stretch out 12 miles, maybe after a few more days of shorter rides getting used to it again. I used to do 12 miles a day standing on my head with one hand tied behind my back, and that was on a bicycle with no brakes and going to early morning seminary in Southern California. Anyhow -- I figure that much savings would pay for the bicycle soon enough and maybe, just maybe it'll help me lose some of the excessive poundage I've been dragging around for far too many years. Who knows, maybe I'll take her out for another spin in a little bit... that whole "new toy" syndrome, ya know? So wish me luck in my quest for a little bit of fitness and saving on the gas costs.

In other news -- our written test wasn't as bad as I expected. So either I knew more of it than I thought I did, or Ochiai sensee just asked about the easy stuff. Tomorrow's speaking test I do need to practice for some more. I should be doing that right now, alas, I needed a little bit of a break. I could do with a 3-day weekend with no Japanese homework... I just don't feel like I have enough time to assimilate all of it. Was talking to some of the 102 class that meets right after ours about it, they have a different instructor who they say is a lot more laid back, but if you want to learn you have to put in the effort anyway. I think I almost prefer the "pound it in" method, even if I don't feel I'm getting it all.

Otay, well enough for now. Mayhaps I'll be back later. If not -- Ja mata.


I had to take a break. Check out what I've been up to for the last hour (for those of you who can't see the Japanese characters it's probably going to be a bigger mess than it already is. Sumimasen.) and then tell me I don't deserve a few minutes away:

一。 A: すみません。B-さん、せんこうは何ですか


A: いいですね。何年生ですか。


A: わたしもです。何クラスはとっていますか。


A: ほんとですか。ぶつり学のクラスは何よう日ですか。


A: そうですか。ぶつり学のクラスは何じですか。


A: ありがとございます。


二。 A: すみません。B-さん、何月生まれですか。


A: わたしもです。おとしはおいくつですか。(何さいですか。)


A: ほんとですか。何じんですか。


A: ありがとございます。


三。 A: すみません。A-さん、きょうは何よう日ですか。


A: そうですか。いま、何じですか。


A: いいですね。ありがとございます。


四。 A: すみません。B-さん、おすまいはどちらですか。


A: わたしもです。おでんわばんごは何ですか。

B:480-361-1794 (四八ゼロの三六一の一七九四です。)

A: ゆくりおねがいします。

B: 四八ゼロの三六一の一七九四です。

A: ありがとございます。


And I have 2 more to go before I'm done, though I'll probably only do number 5 since the 6th one would be about that entire length just by itself. I did write them out days ago, but making sure they are correct and typing them takes almost as much time as writing them out to begin with. And so it goes -- I'm going to step away from the computer for a few. I will probably see you tomorrow.



Blogger Geo said...

There isn't much better than getting a new bike! Congrats! I like your conserve gas/burn fat thinking. Good for you. It seems hard for most of us in the family to keep the extra Bowen off, so . . . rah rah rah! Good thing AZ never gets cold, so you can ride on through the winter. Maybe I'll hop on my own bike tomorrow and go for a good ride, in your honor. Love ya.

October 17, 2004 at 9:00 PM  
Blogger Geo said...

P.S. We have a mutual pal who would love to hear from you. Please disregard this notice if you have already emailed your friendship payment. Your new balance will be reflected in the next statement you receive from Favorite Cousin Headquarters.

October 17, 2004 at 9:04 PM  

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