Saturday, October 16, 2004

And Pour the Waters of the Nile

Evenin. Howdy. Konbon wa. Buenas Noches. Aloha!

What a day. I tell ya. The week before last I had a busy day and hence didn't get much done. Last Saturday was busy and I didn't get much school work done. I warned my Aunt Rochelle that I just wasn't going to be able to do 3 Saturday's in a row for the shindig she had planned. I really hope they aren't upset but I just didn't and don't have the time.

Today would have been the perfect day to make a run for the border and sit there guzzling Baja Blast Mountain Dew. Alas, I am still off the caffeine and soda and was a good boy and didn't do. I've been pouring nothing but water all day and I'm really poor so going out to eat would be BAD! Why would it have been such a good day? Well here's an analogy I don't like to make but it really is pretty accurate from what I've seen. When smokers get stressed or feel a lot of pressure from life they light up, at least I've seen so and many have said so to me. Me -- that's when I crave my Pepsi and Mountain Dew most of the time. Of course that's when I'm not drinking it regularly -- when that's true I don't seem to crave it under stress, but when I'm doin' the whole hydrogen-hydroxide gig -- I crave the caffeinated sodas. Caffeine is addicting -- as I said, I don't like to use this example, but it's true of me so what does that really say about caffeine? Probably worse for ya than you realize.

So why would today be stressful? Oh, I dunno, maybe more homework than I can shake a stick at. Here's what my planner said.

Nihongo 日本語: Kanji (1) Ch 2. Txt 127-130, vocab 129, WB [workbook] 156-160
Physics: Ch 15-17, HW [homework problem]
BPC: Excel Final Project, SAM Practice Tests - Concepts, - Practical

May not LOOK like a lot [by the by, a lot is 2 words, not that most of you I know who read this goof it up, but I see "alot" well, a lot. Just a pet peeve.] but trust me that's several hours of work. I started this morning with the BPC figuring I'd get something out of the way. HA.

We have to make up a minimum 6-month budget (it can be fictional and mine has to be as I have no income) with all sorts of things and formulas used in it. So I get mine done, formatted and I think looking good. We have to make a chart out of some part of it so I do this spiffy looking 3-d pie chart... all is going well. So I thought. The next section was to create a new page and create some what-if scenarios. You know, "what if gasoline prices go down so I only spend $60 a month instead of $85, how does that affect my savings account" or some mumbo jumbo like that. Excel has a tool called Goal Seek to help you with this. Alas, for some reason my spreadsheet would not let me use it. I pull up the help and search for possible reasons why. HA. Welcome to Microsoft, Now Go HOME! (That will be $300.)

The help tells me that if the option is greyed out it's unavailable. Uh, no kidding? Really, Bill? I didn't know that. Maybe if my IQ were my shoe size I wouldn't know that. (All this reminded me of a joke which will follow.) So I tried cutting and pasting it all into a new file to see if it was just something strange in that file or memory location. No dice. So I do what my only real option is -- recreate the project from scratch. The ONE positive thing about that is, the new one looks better, but the other one would have passed with the same score... and when it comes to this class and the above amount of work, I'll take the score without the aesthetics.

There are many people in the world who dislike Microsoft. There are a number of anti-MS jokes as you can well imagine. Here is one of them (totally pertinent to my situation):

There is a helicopter pilot attempting to get his
passengers to the airport in Seattle. Somewhere
along the way he got lost. He figures he can get
directions by landing on a big building and asking
there. He spies one and lands. He asks, "Where
am I?" To which he gets the reply, "You are in
a helicopter." The pilot immediately takes off
and gets his passengers to the airport without
further delay. As they leave they ask the pilot
how he knew where he was from that. "It's was
simple. We had to be at the Microsoft Building.
Nobody else can give you such accurate
information that is also so totally worthless."

So anyhow, the project is all but complete, no thanks for MS's help feature. I took one of the SAM practice tests too. Boy, just as I was finishing up it told me it crashed. Last time that happened it didn't report my score so I had to do it again. This time at least it let me print out the score so I can prove it. No way I'm wasting that time. I've got way too much to do.

Well, seems like all would be well and good, right? Well, the Elders Quorum Pres calls me and asks how I'm doing and if I have any big plans. Oh, nothing much just 8 hours of homework. He asks me to go volunteer at the Temple cafeteria today from 1:00 to an undisclosed time. Well, I've been taught you don't turn town callings, and this was pretty close. So I figure okay, a couple hours I can do and still manage. I couldn't leave at 3, there was too much to do. So I was there until almost 4:30 -- well past my lunch time. I couldn't even eat there, no cash, besides I'd rather eat at Taco Bell, even without the Baja Blast Dew.

So I'm home by 5ish. Lunch-time -- watching Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: All Monsters Attack. In the which three Guardian Monsters try and stop me from stomping Tokyo yet again. The 3rd Guardian is Baragon who I blast earlier in film, he is unable to defeat me. Mothra and Ghidorah gang up and still can't wail on me. But when I nail Mothra it's essence joins and King Ghidorah tries again. I wax him too. A piece of this stone that empowered Ghidorah finds its way to him and ONE more time he comes back and I thrash him again. Albeit with some wounds. Now the humans have been involved the whole time finding out again and again that it's mostly futile. I swallow one guy in a submarine. Guess I got indigestion from the bomb he set off inside me. Well, actually it was my own atomic power that did it, when I went to get him the hole he made in me kinda blew me apart... but never fear, my heart is still beating... I'll be back. Go Gojira! It took 3 (well more like 6 cause I had to wail on King Ghidorah several times) Kaiju and the humans to get me. *ROAR*

During all of this I managed to get one chapter of Physics read. Felt the need for something of a vegetable nature so I cooked up some corn and came to blog. I've had a long enough break, probably too long. So back I go to hit the books.



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