Sunday, October 17, 2004

Improve His Shining Tail

Holy cow! I logged on to write my blog and wouldn't ya know Yahoo Headlines catch my eye from time to time. The headline: Scholars Grapple with Godzilla Legacy and when I see my name in print well I just have to look. Believe it or not, there is going to be a Godzilla conference of a scholarly nature. *charges the atomic breath and watches his back and tail spines shine* Booyah! After 50 years the Big Green Guy is finally getting his due! I am going to have a kick sharing this with my Japanese class tomorrow.

Well, gang, with a little more than an hour before bed I sitll have a good 2 hours of homework. I'm still pretty impressed with how much I've managed to get done considering the other things that vied for my time this weekend. What I have left is a chapter of physics (test friday so I thought I could put off the last chapter) and the one HW problem as well as my Japanese workbook pages. That's what takes time, but then I have an hour between classes tomorrow so I'll be in the Library hitting that book. Never fear, I'll get it caught up. I finally finished up the computer project. Never did get a reply from my instructor so I hope what I did for the last section is okay. Not that I'm overly worried, even if she doesn't and I miss a few points I'm doing even better there than in Japanese.

I do want to offer a HUGE thanks to my brother Derek and his family. Over the years since he and Ann have been married they've always been a great support for me letting me do laundry at their place, eat more food than I could ever repay, and generally be a nuisiance and never asking more than being a brother(in-law) and uncle. They had me over for dinner today on short notice (though I was invited) and didn't complain when I had to bail on them because of all my homework. So thanks Derek, Ann and kids. You probably don't even know I'm blogging, but that's okay, I'm thankful nonetheless and especially now for a good meal in the midst of my uber-poor days.

In bikining news -- I didn't get out yesterday as I had hoped. I was planning on finding a place to park and ride to school. Alas, volunteering at the Temple took precedence over that. And of course, today being Sunday, I didn't go out either. That whole 10 Commandments thing still apllies in today's world, amazingly enough so I do try and keep the Sabath Holy.

(Oh hey, look at that a comment from Geo, let's see what she has to say. *puts blog on hold* *returns* Aww, thanks, Geo. I really hope the biking thing works out for me. If you do ride tomorrow I hope you enjoy it. Zoinks, another one! *pauses again* *returns again* Aye, lass, I've written at least a brief note. I promised more and will get to it this week. As for AZ not getting cold -- not so much during the day, but nights and mornings in the desert get a bit chilly... that whole specific heat capacity of sand vs water and all that but then in the summer biking could be a serious case of heat stroke waiting to happen.)

Alright, gang, I think I'm going to call it quits here and see if I can't bust out a page or two of workbook before I prep for the Land of Nod. Hope to see you tomorrow!




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